When you enjoy summer on Lake Nantahala, you get the best of all worlds: crisp green foliage, beautiful mountain paths, and the clear, sandy shores surrounding Lake Nantahala. Our crystal clear water means kids can learn about our bountiful fish and aquatic plants as they swim. Swimming is a cornerstone of summer memories. If your child, niece or nephew, or grandchild isn’t comfortable in the water, follow these tips to teach kids to swim in Lake Nantahala.
Set the Stage for Safety
Before you begin teaching a child to swim, check the surrounding area for fishermen, wildlife, and proximity to the docks. Always supervise a beginner swimmer at all times. Resist the temptation to outfit your child in a life vest as he or she learns. Once a kid learns to swim in a life vest, it’s difficult to teach them to swim on their own. If additional flotation is necessary, let your child explore our North Carolina shores wearing a progressive floating trainer. Grab noodles, kickboards, and inner tubes to help kids learn different swimming skills.
Teach Age Appropriate Techniques
A child’s age determines which swimming techniques he or she can master. For toddlers and preschoolers, teach breathing techniques as you acclimate them to the water. Children aged 4 and up can learn basic kicking and swimming skills. Kids will learn the best swimming techniques at a North Carolina outdoor center class with a registered swim instructor; however, parents can teach kids basic swimming skills and water safety. Make swimming fun by swimming and playing water games while the kids learn. Never abandon a new swimmer to solitary swimming, even if a child is making great progress. Before teaching a kid the backstroke, the breaskstroke, the butterfly, or any other swimming technique, refresh yourself by reading a step-by-step tutorial online.
Make the most of your Lake Nantahala lake house by teaching young friends and family members to swim.
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