Lake Nantahala
Macon County, North Carolina
Coordinates: 35.199 longitude, -83.652 latitude
Created: 1942, by Nantahala Power & Light
Regulated By: Duke Power Company
Surface Elevation: 3,012 feet (915 meters)
Shoreline Mileage: 30.4 miles
Area of Full Lake: 1,605 acres
Depth: 73.3 to 100.0 feet
Marine Life: trout, bass, catfish, walleye, crappie, sunfish, freshwater salmon
Access: two public boat landings; primitive camping on public National Forest Lands
Nearest Towns: Topton, Andrews, and Franklin, North Carolina
Time Zone: Eastern Standard
Average Temps (High/Low): January 46/25, July 86/62
Average Rainfall: 6″/month